Found this on somones blog...thought it was pretty funny, feel free to add your own thoughts.
You know you're in Nicaragua when...
1. You see a random herd of goats walking down the street. Everyday.
2. Two grown men on one bike is not strange.
3. You see a man pushing a wheel barrel of piglets down the street, stop to take a picture and YOU are considered the weirdo.
4. Gringo/Gringa becomes your pet name.
5. A car horn becomes the new way to "just give a shout out".
6. You determine where to hang out based on who has a couch.
6. You determine where to hang out based on who has a couch.
7. You regularly eat dinner out of a banana leaf.
8. It feels weird to be clean.
9. You've forgotten what air conditioning feels like.
10. 5'10 is considered abnormally tall.
11. No matter the song, someone is clapping along with it. Most likely off beat.
12. Seeing random drum lines in the street becomes second nature.
13. You hear fireworks at all hours of the day. No one knows why.
14. You wake up to two American songs and one Latina song playing full blast at the same time at the same place.
15. They block off your street for the most intense pick-up soccer game ever.
16. Car safety no longer applies. Especially when you see 7 people in one taxi.
17. You see million of little plastic bags ( that contained water) at a street.
18. Direction are given to you in reference to popular city markers.
19. You start sweating immediately after drying yourself from a shower.
20. Everyone is super friendly! ;-)
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