Hello Blog...it is nice to see you again. That is exactly what I'm thinking at the moment. It has been awhile since I last wrote in this blog or online journal, whichever you prefer. Why haven't I written for sometime? It certainly isn't because I haven't had anything to write about, that has never been the case, nor has the excuse of not having enough time to write, as I can always make time for that, even with the busy crazy life I live at the moment. I guess the simple answer would be that, I didn't have the desire to. It has actually been a long-time since I've written anything new, whether it be on the blog, prose or poetry. As far as new material has been concerned, the last thing I remember writing was: Losing Purgatory, a poem about Managua and I think I finally stopped myself from the edits in late June.
I must admit that it has been nice to take a break from writing. After almost three years of writing/editing, and of course reading almost everyday, I felt a break was much needed. Those years were consumed with 4 writing projects, three of which I feel have come to their finale.
At the beginning of May, I printed out 50 copies of The Traveler as gifts to my seniors. It had been a year long project that started out as just a writing exercise and suddenly transformed into something that I am proud of and hope will help my students. I do plan to keep contributing to this collection, but I won't pursue it as vigorously as I did the past year.
Yet, the final breath of fresh air came with the completion of Provoking la Piñata. I have worked endlessly on this project and I think my best writing is portrayed in this collection. I finally have it the way I want it, with the poems I think best fit together. One of the most difficult aspects of putting the book together was the order in which the poems fit together. I started out with three section, but by the end I realized that I had four sections of poetry. I have sent out the manuscript to a few places, just to see how it goes and I will continue to push for this book to published, but in the meantime it give me a sense of peace that I can start a new project.
Although I haven't written much, I did manage to load my brain with some great literature. Who are we kidding, a writer never takes a break from his art. Here is a list of the pages my cranium devoured this summer:
-Pluverse, Ernesto Cardenal
-Drowning Tucson, Aaron Morales
-The Savage Detectives, Roberto Bolaños
-Tres, Roberto Bolaños
-2666, Roberto Bolaños
-La Universidad Desconocida, Roberto Bolaños
As you can see, I'm really digging Bolaños! In my personal opinion his writing is freedom. It is amazing how he takes you on journey about nothing and everything. He makes me want to write, simply put. I am especially happy that I finally got La Universidad Desconocida. I have been searching for almost 6 months for this book of poetry. It is so interesting to see what he would write about. It makes you wonder if you are at the mercy of a genius or an idiot.
It's good to be back to "writing mode". I miss it. I hope it misses me too. I opened a new journal this evening. Looks the same as always, navy-blue, thin pages, ready to be filled. I already have plans on how I'd like to fill it. I'm excited for the adventures my mind will take me. I want my creativity to take me to new places, to sacrifice me to my imagination. Oh boy...
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