It was another great weekend in Phoenix. The weather was beautiful, the food was great and top it off, my wife and I climbed the peak of Camelback Mountain. Had never done it and it was a lot tougher that I was expecting, but we made it to the top. We did however need a little persuasion about 3/4 the way up. At first it doesn't seem like a tough hike, but with the heat and the steep ridges, it really fatigues not only your body but also your mind. We made it to the top in about an hour or so. Unfortunately, not everyone had the same fate. There was a man who caught everyones attention as he kept screaming. Turns out, he took a wrong turn or something and was trapped between a small canyon of the mountain. When we first arrived, the rescue workers were already on their way, but it wasn't until the helicopter came and lowered a man from the rope that the gentleman finally calmed his nerves. To say the least, a helicopter was not what I was expecting to see at the top of the mountain.
It was a great weekend and the only thing missing was my wife coming back home with me. She still has a few more weeks and then she'll be back home!
During play rides to and from Phoenix I was able to fully indulge in the ecstasy Roberto BolaƱo has created with his novel 2666. So far I have read the first two chapter (or books within the book). All I can say is that I'm continuing the book in my dreams and at times I really don't know if I read it or dreamt it. It is pretty trippy, but I like! ;-)
I recently sent submissions of poetry to 4 journals to see if anything bites. The journals are: Ninth Letter, Barrow Street, Palabra, and Epicenter. I chose these journals with the reasoning that these are some of the journals that featured poetry of some of the few new authors I've been reading. I have read some of these journals and have been very impressed with the poetry they feature. I'd especially like to featured in Palabra. I think that would be a good place to get exposure to other poets in the Latino community.
Received my copy of Heredities by J. Micheal Martinez. I'm excited so see what lurks behind the gorgeous cover. Such a cool cover!
And the sad news: The winner of the Andres Montoya Poetry Contest has been announced and sad to say the name doesn't start with an M or end in O. Dang it, guess I'll have to wait two more years for my crack at winning!
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