I finally received my copy of The Romantic Dogs by Roberto Bolaños. For some reason I have grown infatuated with this author although I really haven't read any of his work from start to finish. This will be the first book that I will read cover to cover by him. There is a certain element of his biography that draws me to wonder what his work is like, not to mention that I have still yet to find someone call him anything short of a genius. But probably my biggest fascination with this is author is that he might be the answer to what I have been waiting for, the "next genius" of Latin American poetry. For so many years it has been the same authors dominating the literary scene and space: Garcia Marquez, Allende, Neruda, Borges, Cortazar, Cisneros. It would be nice to get a new face and a new escape from reality, a new name to associate with Latin America author.
Could it also be that I'm fascinated with him and his work, because he is no longer alive. It wouldn't be the first time an author becomes more popular after their death, Selena, Tupac, Richie Valens, Kurt Cobain etc. (to name a few musical artist). There is also so much ambiguity as to how the events in his life played out. For instance, it is not know whether he was in Chile the day of the Pinochet takeover. Some source say he was there, but other say he was in Mexico. Another uncertain fact is his use of heroine. People have speculated that he was a heroine addict, but some of his closest friends deny it. Whether these people are trying to salvage his image or not, it still create a ora of which I have grown found of.
Nevertheless, I'm going read my copy cover to cover and try to the most out of it. This for the moment, is the only copy available of his poetry. I'll be on the look-out for other books of poetry. Though many consider him to be a novelist since most of his works are novels, he himself always considered himself first a poet. I'll keep everyone posted!
In other news:
Getting ready to make our road trip to Phoenix this weekend. Erin will be there for almost a month working on her pediatrics rotation at one of the local hospitals. I'm going to miss her so much, but I'm also very happy that she will be able to spend some time in Phoenix with her old friends and I know how much she love that city. Plus I'll get to see my family which is always a blessing! Speaking of family, my little brother Aldo is going to have his first son this April. Everyone is so happy and excited for them. Despite all the craziness that my brother has gone through, I always knew he was a family man. I'm going to be a Tio again! Yay for more babies!!!
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