Feeling a lot better today. Monday morning I woke up with a cold and have been struggling to get through it. I finally woke up this morning feeling like a champ again. This cold has made me appreciate my health and the health of those I love. I am so grateful that neither my family nor my wife's family has to deal with a long-term sickness. I couldn't imagine having to wake up every morning feeling miserable. So this Sunday, I'm going to say a prayer for all those that are sick in the world, may they soon heal.
I finished editing another manuscript. It was a short novel that started off with a lot of potential but slowly dwindled into nothing. Whoever wrote it, I'm sure got to the point where they just wanted to finish the damn thing, but because of their impatience, it totally back fired on them. I think this might be one of the hesitations that I have about starting a novel. I love the idea of writing a novel, but I also know that I have a lot of work ahead me. Hopefully one day I'll get the courage to write the book inside me....maybe this summer?
My copy of the Three Amigos came in the mail last week. I remember it being one of my favorite movies when I was growing up. Steve Martin, Chevy Chase and Martin Short, how could you not like that line-up of slap stick humor. After watching it again while I was sick, I was a bit surprised. Although the movie is rated PG, there are a lot more sexual innuendos than I remember or was probably to young to understand them. Had this movie been made today, I don't think it would get the PG rating it did in 1986. I'm thinking more of a PG-13 rating. However, I do think that watching this movie nursed me back to health, in some weird mystical manner. Thank you Three Amigos!
Big news for me! I'm probably the only one excited about this, but I think I finally found the title to my book of poems: Provoking la Piñata
I love the title. It is a bit comical, with some hostility and of course....who doesn't like a piñata.
I also wanted the title of the book to have a mix of english and spanish words, after all many of the poems use this code-switching, so why not have the title do the same. As of right now, it is in the hands of a Berkley graduate of poetry getting edited. I'm curious to see what he/she has to say about the ms.
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