"Blackbird singing in the dead of night...." What a great song! I've been playing a little more guitar lately, mainly because I have a student who enjoys guitar also, so I told him I'd teach him a few songs and now I feel like Jack Black on School of Rock. ha! We get together every Thursday morning in my classroom before school starts. So far our set list has included "Say it ain't so" by Weezer, "When I come around" Green Day, "Blister in the Sun" by Violent Femmes. We plan to learn some Nirvana, Oasis, Arctic Monkey's and Pixies. He is a pretty good guitar player. I was very surprised when he told me he could play, and he could actually play.
I've had a few teachers come up to me and tell me that it was really neat that I was helping this kid out. Sometimes, some of these students just need an outlet to get them motivated. As part of the deal, he has to keep his grades up and make privileges at home in order to jam on Thursdays. Has it worked? I think so, last week told me that he made "achievement" at home, the highest rank you can have at the home. I also told him he could have my distortion pedal if he brings me a sheet that tells me he is enrolled in college courses. I have a feeling I'm going to be out a distortion pedal some day.
We'll let you know when our first album comes out! ha!