This is going to be a great month on Paulo Coelho's blog. I have been following his blog everyday now for the last year and it is superb. Every week he has a question for fan's to answer, for instance, this week he wants to know about angels. Have you met an angel, seen one or are one? He also has quotes from his manual "The Warrior of the Light" (which I always keep in my car and read one page before driving to work). There is also a section in which his fan's can ask him a question directly.
Every so often he conducts workshops about one of his book. This month the workshop is on his famous book The Alchemist. I have read the book a total of 7 time now and I make sure I read it before I know a big moment in my life is about to occur. The last I read it was right before I got married this past December.
In the workshop, fans are able to put comments or questions and Paulo will most likely answers them within 24 hours. I have already put a few comments in and he has responded! What a great way to get in touch with his fans! Paulo Coelho responded to my questions!
I plan to post at least one comment every 2 days either for Paulo or a reply to another fan. Make sure you check out it: http://paulocoelhoblog.com
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