It has been almost a week since the Metro CC group arrived in Oaxaca and it has been an incredible experience so far. Last weekend was packed with festivities since it was the week of the Guelaguetza. This event takes place over a span of two weeks in which 15 of the regional indigenous communities come to Oaxaca to demonstrate their folklore. It is a wonderful spectacle. Each region has a unique rich tradition and is evident by the different traditional attire. The culmination of the event was this past Monday. It took place in this big auditorium way up in the mountains that overlooks the city. Definitely one of the best sites to see Oaxaca.
We also took an excursion to Mitla, an ancient Zapotec ruin just outside of Oaxaca. It was very interesting how precise the stonework was in creating this ruin . It was nice, but unfortunately after seeing the ruins of Tikal, it is going to be very hard to find a ruin more fascinating.
The actual Institute where we are most of the day has been great. It is an old style hacienda now turned into a cultural center. There are many students from all over the world. Surprisingly many of them are older adults, I assume retired and wanting to travel and learn Spanish. I would love for Erin and I to do that one day. The only bad (or not so bad) part of the Institute is that there is this delicious coffee that is free. I think I have been having too many cups, and have been feeling dehydrated. It could also be the heat and humidity, but in any case I'm going to take it a little easier on the coffee.
That is all for right now. So far so good, missing home like crazy and hoping to write something good this week.