Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow what?!?

Winter has officially arrived and it arrives with a swing from the hammer of Mother Nature. The roads are undrivable and the state has officially closed 106 schools due to hazardous weather conditions. This will be my second "real" winter and it still amazes me how people can tolerate such conditions. If anything, the snow is just an inconvience, where it tends to make things go slower or take longer. For instance it takes me a little longer in the morning to get ready because I need to heat the car and scrape the ice off of my windshield. Once this task is done, I slowly leave to work with the paranoa of not sliding into anything on the way there. Everyone else drives slow and it seems that everyone is a lot more patient on the road.
Come to think of it, maybe the snow isn't so bad. If it wasn't for the bone chilling conditions that make my teeth chatter, I actually think it's pretty peaceful driving to work without being rushed. The snow does make things go slower and that's not be such a bad if I could only find those roses that I'm suppose to stop and smell. They must be buried in the 6 inches of snow...oh well, back to scraping the ice off my windshield.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

La galaxia

Los Mayas creian que La Via Lactea era una culebra blanca que se movia por el universo de nuestro cielo. Moviendose constantemente tras los siglos, dia y noche sin hacer ningun ruido. Esta culebra blanca sin embargo no pica, ni muerde; sino solo observa la humanidad (nosotros) que tambien nos movemos constantemente tras los siglos, dia y noche.
Entonces si sigo la creyencias de los Mayas, mi vida y la vida de cada person que ha vivido es nada mas que una observacion. No hay ni resultados, ni ganacias inmediatas solo reconocimiento de actividad, sin embargo esta observacion viene de un animal que no parpadea o puede cerrar sus ojos. Me pregunto, que pasaria si la observacion viniera de un animal que pudiera parpadear o cerrar sus ojos...tendra la observacion un comienzo o final?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Dos Semanas!

Solo falta dos semanas para nuestra boda!!!
Hoy es el primer dia que comienzo este Blog. Creo que va ser muy divertido hacer esto, espero que les guste todo lo que escribo, mis pensamientos, cuentos, poemas y otros relatos.